Monday, August 29, 2011

GOLD Team Info - Week of August 29th

Dear Gold Team Parents,

Welcome to MD volleyball! I am thrilled to have your daughter playing on my team and I look forward to a successful and fun season. Both the green and gold teams will be having a parent meeting THIS Thursday, September 1st, from 4:15-4:45pm in the library. We will be sharing important details about the season as well as nuts and bolts of Shorecrest Athletics. If you cannot attend I will send a follow-up email.

The MD Volleyball blog will be updated each week by Coach Hodgson and I. Please be sure to read the updates pertaining to the GOLD team.

The schedule for this week is as follows:

Week of Aug. 29th – GOLD team
Monday-Friday: Practice 3:15 to 4:30
*Thursday: quick parent meeting from 4:15-4:45pm in the library.

We will have practice after school each day from 3:15-4:30pm on the lower division courts. Please be sure that your daughter has a water bottle that can be filled up before practice starts. A hat and sunscreen are highly recommended.

If you daughter must miss practice she knows to write me a quick note so that I won’t expect her. Please remind her to do so.

Being a part of any sports team is an exciting and time consuming commitment. Please help your daughter juggle sports practice with her academics. Time management is an important tool to learn in middle division.

Almost all of our games are away this year as we complete the new Athletic Center. The girls will travel together on a team bus to the game and can either be picked up by a parent at the game or ride the bus with me back to School. If your daughter rides the bus back to school she will call you with our estimated arrival time so that you can be at school when the bus arrives. If you daughter will be riding home with a friend I NEED A NOTE FROM YOU. All parents must sign-out their daughter with me before leaving a game.

I look forward to coaching your daughter and helping her learn about volleyball and herself. Please feel free to contact me if you ever have a question or concern: or 727-254-8522 (cell).


Coach Dougherty

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